
Special Episode: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? (Remastered)

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Every year, the same question gets asked. Every year, the same debate rages:  Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Join us as host Todd Uebele explains the history behind Halloween and it's traditions. Comparing it to other Holidays, such as Christmas and Easter, he addresses the pagan customs and the origins of this widely celebrated and very popular Holiday.

After describing the history, Todd takes us through the Bible to search for the answer to the question that burns on everyone's mind in October:  Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

NOTE: This episode has been Remastered. Due to poor audio quality of the original, CWJM decided to remaster rather than simply re-release.  For the original episode, please click here.

Brought to you by Coffee With Jesus Ministries.

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Podcast host: Todd Uebele


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