Winter may be the season of your heart whether it is December or not. This devotional started as a daily message to encourage a friend of mine facing her first Holiday season while grieving the loss of her son. When I tried to find an advent devotional to buy for her, nothing I came across seemed appropriate. I had a prompting in my spirit to write her a page a day in December until Christmas Day. When I showed up early each morning to write it, I was often surprised at what God led me to write. My hope is that what I originally wrote for her would also encourage you.
Each day’s reading will begin with praying words from the book of Psalms. Personalizing God’s word can strengthen our connection with the One who is able to carry us through all things. There is also a different theme for each week that focuses on who God is and on what He has promised for each of us. He is our Refuge (week one), our Redeemer (week two), our Restorer (week three) and our future Resurrection Hope (week four).
My prayer is that this devotional will help you to know that you are not alone and that God is always near and faithful in His love for you.