Season 5

S5, Ep. 12: Grateful in Grief




Grieving has two perspectives: the one who grieves and doesn’t feel supported, and the loved one who wants to help but doesn’t know how. How can these two perspectives be reconciled?

In this episode, Elizabeth and Paige continue their conversation on grieving well. They recommend ideas of what to do when you are grieving and don’t feel supported by those around you. They also provide examples of how to help a grieving friend with heartfelt details or just the gift of presence.

Listen to this episode and learn how to reach out to those who want to help you and discover how to harness the tool that will dig you out of grief. Do not miss the genuine prayer made for you in this episode. And take heart, the Lord who promised is faithful.

Podcast Host: Elizabeth Bristol
Special Guest: Paige van Meter Sturgeon
Description By: Yilda Rivera


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Season 5

S5, Ep. 11: Oh. My. God!




The Bible tells us not to take the Lord’s name in vain, but what does that mean exactly? What is the Lord’s name and what does it mean to take His name in vain?

Listen as our host dives deep into scripture, to answer the question, and provide an answer that may surprise you. We will walk you through history, culture and most importantly, God’s Word.

“And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” (Exodus 3:14 NKJV)

God is the great I AM. His name is to be both feared and revered. The name of the Most High God is to be treated with respect above any other name.

Podcast Host: Todd Uebele


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Season 5

S5, Ep. 10: In the Waiting – Do Great Things Happen Here?




Have you been enduring a difficult situation for quite a while? Maybe waiting for answers or hanging in the middle of an unrealized goal or a delayed harvest despite all the energy you put in? That’s what being in the waiting may look like. 

Do great things really happen in the waiting?

In this episode, our guest, Yilda Rivera, shares how she battles frustration as she faces a prolonged chronic condition that is affecting her day-to-day life. She describes how she went from struggling in the waiting trying to figure out God’s purpose to taking delight in God’s presence and witnessing God’s hand at work.

Listen to this episode and learn three ways to overcome frustration and the stagnant-like feeling when you are in a waiting season. Learn how to trust God’s timing and to posture yourself to see glimpses of God’s glory in the waiting.

Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Special Guest: Yilda Rivera
Description By: Todd Uebele/Yilda Rivera


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Season 5

S5, Ep. 9: Where is God in our grief?




Grief comes in many ways, and navigating through loss can be overwhelming. How can we learn to adjust to life without that loved one? Where is God in all of this?

In this episode, Paige and Elizabeth continue their conversation on grief. They speak of how grief has allowed them to take a front-row seat to see God walking alongside them. They share how, through grief, one can have the opportunity to know God better and see His purpose.

Listen to this episode to see how to experience God’s presence in the midst of grief. Hear Paige and Elizabeth sharing their accounts of how God spoke to them in certain moments during grief. Knowing how God speaks in so many ways will lift your heart and bring you comfort.

Podcast Host: Elizabeth Bristol
Special Guest: Paige Sturgeon
Description by: Yilda Rivera

Special Resources:
First Hour Grief
Grief Share
Anchor For Life

25 Days of Hope in the Winter of Your Grief


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Advent Week 4: Love

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How did a star, a word, and a 10-year-old girl prompt a profound plea for love?

In this episode, our host discusses what it means to lead in love. We cannot lead in love if we are not grounded in love. She provides Bible passages about being grounded in love and what that love looks like. She provides practical ways to apply those passages to our life based on her recent experience managing the frustration and anger associated with moving to a new place. 

Listen to this episode and learn how Sara started pondering the meaning of leading in love and how a star, a word, and a 10-year-old girl inspired our host to share her heart with us with a profound plea for love.

Podcast Host: Sara van Driel
Description By: Todd Uebele


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S5, Ep. 8: How to Handle Grief in Your Winter Season, Part 2

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2024 was a difficult year for a so many people. People have lost jobs, lost loved ones, and have struggled with so many issues.

For many, this will be their first Christmas without their beloved. Parent, spouse, even child. The holidays can be a particularly difficult time to deal with grief and loss.

For our host, this will be her first Christmas without her father.

Listen as our host and her special guest share their own stories. Know that there can be comfort found, even during the holidays.

Podcast Host: Elizabeth Bristol
Special Guest: Paige Sturgeon
Description by: Todd Uebele

Special Resources:
First Hour Grief
Grief Share
Anchor For Life

25 Days of Hope in the Winter of Your Grief


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Season 5

S5, Ep. 8: Grace Found in Grief, Part 2




2024 was a difficult year for a so many people. People have lost jobs, lost loved ones, and have struggled with so many issues.

For many, this will be their first Christmas without their beloved. Parent, spouse, even child. The holidays can be a particularly difficult time to deal with grief and loss.

For our host, this will be her first Christmas without her father.

Listen as our host and her special guest share their own stories. Know that there can be comfort found, even during the holidays.

Podcast Host: Elizabeth Bristol
Special Guest: Paige Sturgeon
Description by: Todd Uebele

Special Resources:
First Hour Grief
Grief Share
Anchor For Life

25 Days of Hope in the Winter of Your Grief


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Welcome Elizabeth Bristol!

Welcome Elizabeth!


Coffee With Jesus Ministries is pleased to announce the addition of Elizabeth Bristol to our team!

Elizabeth Bristol is a missionary/caretaker who wrote Mary Me: One Woman’s Incredible Adventure with God. She loves to help people grow closer to God so they can fulfill their destinies with Him. Join her spiritual adventure team at

Elizabeth has been contributing semi-regularly to Coffee With Jesus since May of 2023. Now she will be a regular contributor. Coffee With Jesus is happy to have her onboard!

Would you like to know more? Search through our website or contact us with any questions you may have.


“How many times have we felt that? And yet God does things only He can do! ”

– Elizabeth Bristol

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Advent Week 3: Peace

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During the hustle and bustle of the season, it can be easy to lose our sense of peace. Add in major life transitions on top of that and it can be REALLY easy to lose our sense of peace.

In this special Advent devotional, host Sara van Driel shares how she manages to find that peace, even in the midst of a major life transition. 

Join us as she shares the range of emotions she is going through this holiday season, and how she is able to find peace through it all.

Our prayer for you is that you too will find peace this holiday season.

Podcast Host: Sara van Driel
Description by: Todd Uebele


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S5, Ep. 7: How to Handle Grief in Your Winter Season

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It was the first holiday season without her dad, and it felt surreal. While driving her dad's car on Thanksgiving Day, she discovered a familiar leather glove lined with fur inside. Grabbing that glove felt like holding his hand and bringing him into the moment.

How can bittersweet moments during grief help you heal and find gratitude?

In this episode, our hosts, and her special guest, discuss the significance of living our grief well. They explain how grief is a constant transition and reflect on the meaning of 1 Thessalonians 5:18: Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Listen to this episode to discover what it means to find the gift of grief and the gratitude of the moment. Experience the blessing of hearing God say, "I see you."

Podcast Host: Elizabeth Bristol
Special Guest: Paige Sturgeon
Description by: Yilda Rivera

Special Resources:
First Hour Grief
Grief Share
Anchor For Life

25 Days of Hope in the Winter of Your Grief


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