Bonus Episode Season 4

Special Episode: God Is In Control




Is World War 3 about to start? Is Nuclear War imminent? Is this the end times?

Israel has officially and formally declared war for the first time in 50 years. What does this mean?  What do we do when it seems like the world is on fire?

The first step is to take a deep breath and realized that God is in control. It may seem like a cliche, but sharing an experience from his time in Afghanistan, our host explains that God really is in control.

God hears our cry and rescues us. Whether it’s from physical enemies or the feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed by the state of the world, God hears our cry and rescues us.

Listen to this episode of Coffee With Jesus and take comfort in the knowledge that God is in control, in every situation, and He will not only hear your cry, but rescue you.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Description By: Todd Uebele

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