Do you ever feel like God isn't with you? Sometimes, when going through life's storms, it can be hard to feel God's presence. However, He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. When you have hit Rock Bottom, it can seem like God has left you, but our Lord will NEVER abandon you.
One of God’s biggest promises is that He will never leave us. God is with us in our times of plenty, and He is with us in our time of need. No matter what you may be going through, no matter what storm you are facing, God is with you. No storm, circumstance or need can overcome God’s love for you, or separate you from His awesome power.
Join us for the inaugural episode of our second season and listen as Todd Uebele shares with you real, practical steps that you can take to turn over your anger, your anxiety, your fear, to God. Todd shares how God helped him recover from rock bottom and shows you how God can help YOU recover from rock bottom as well.
Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
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