Coffee With Jesus Podcast – Season 4


New Episodes are added bi-weekly. Check back often for new content!

Coffee With Jesus Podcast, Season 4 was launched on August 23rd, 2023. Trailer and episodes are below. Scroll down for your favorite episodes (Newest Episodes are at the top). 

Bonus Episode: God is Always in Control

        Have a comment? Text us! Recent events, in America and all over the world, have caused fear and anxiety to spread. In this short, bonus episode, our host seeks to reassure people and let everyone know that God is still in control. No matter what happens in America, no matter what happens […]

S4. Ep. 21: Above and Beyond

        Have a comment? Text us! Have you ever had that moment, where you asked God for something, and He not only answered your prayer, our Father went so far above and beyond what you could have hoped? Where God didn’t just answer your prayer, God ANSWERED your prayer? Our host has. In […]

S4, Ep. 20: Who is God?

        Have a comment? Text us! We call Him by multiple names: Heavenly Father, the Great I AM, Jehovah, Lord, God Almighty, but who is God? In this episode of Coffee With Jesus our host takes a deep dive into who God is, and who God is not. God is many things to […]

S4, Ep 19: You Are Valuable

        Have a comment? Text us! You are a child of God. Jesus told us that NOTHING can change that. No matter what life may throw your way, you will never lose your inherent value as a child of the Most High God. Follow our host as he shares stories and scriptures to […]

S4, Ep 18: Is There a Limit to God’s Power?

        Have a comment? Text us! It was a lot to deal with in a short period of time…his dad was admitted to the hospital—maybe for the last time, he got troubling health results and received a notice that his lease would not be renewed! Having already moved twice in less than 12 […]

S4, Ep. 17: Is it ok to Have Questions?

        Sara and her family moved 14 states north. They were committed to the new plan. Sold a house, bought another one, moved the whole family and all their belongings… But 2023 was not the year they had planned. How do you manage the overwhelming internal questioning when things don’t work out as […]

S4, Ep. 16: Trusting God in Grief

        “Into every life a little rain must fall, and losing one you love is like a storm…but storms are passing…” – Michael W. Smith, Leesha The call came in the middle of the night. Though his father had been sick for some time, and the call was not entirely unexpected, a huge weight […]

S4, Ep. 15: Is Spiritual Warfare Real?

        Is Spiritual Warfare Real? Paul tells us, “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. ” (Eph 6:12) Daniel waited 21 days for an answer to prayer […]

S4, Ep. 14: The Christian Dichotomy

        Many approach Lent as a season to get closer to God. But what happens after Lent? What do we do with what we learned through it? This episode brings a different approach to Lent. Our host focuses on the impact Lent should have on us. By sharing some of his experiences (raw […]

S4, Ep. 13: Is God’s Word Reliable?

        Is the Bible reliable? Is it really the Word of God? If you have faced the argument, “The Bible isn’t reliable because it is full of contradictions,” this episode is for you. In this episode, our host answers tough questions about the authority of the Bible or the God-breathed Word of God. […]

S4, Ep. 12: Should We go to God First?

        And now for something completely different. No, this is not Monty Python, but this episode of Coffee With Jesus will be a little bit different from most. Typically, our hosts, guests and guest hosts will share testimonies of their trials and tribulations. They’ll talk about how God helped them through, carried them […]

S4, Ep. 11: In Our Father’s Arms

        Artic blast! 30 year snow storm! And no lights… What do a young toddler learning to ice skate, a complicated move back to college and a record winter event have in common? To answer this question, our host talks about what he saw and experienced in three separate instances when pain, distress, […]

S4, Ep. 10: Witnessing God’s Power

        On 2 March 2023, Yilda Rivera was rushed to the hospital with stroke-like symptoms. Her vision went blurry, and everything was spinning. Yilda lost the ability to speak, and her right side was not responding. On the way to the hospital, her throat started to close, and she found herself gasping for […]

S4, Ep. 9: Back to Basics II: Liberty

        “One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.  The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. The one who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to […]

S4, Ep 8: Back to Basics I: The Essentials

        What beliefs are necessary in order to be a Christian? What doctrines must one believe to be called a Christian?  Is our salvation based on what we do, or is there more to it than that? As the end of the year approaches, people all over the world start to reflect on […]

S4, Ep. 6&7: How Will War Impact Christians? (Parts 1&2)

        It happened right after breakfast. A thundering and loud BOOM shook a military base in Afghanistan. There was dust everywhere, like that of an enraged sandstorm. Shattered buildings, walls caved in, and a video revealed the story of how 1,500 pounds of high explosives threatened the lives of those in the military […]

S4, Ep. 5: Did We Miss the Rapture?

        From sensational news to clickbait YouTube videos, people are spreading fear.  Anxiety seems to be on the rise, not just with world events, but with End Times events as well. That begs the question: Did we miss the rapture? SPOILER ALERT:  No, no we did not. In this episode, our host takes […]

Special Episode: God Is In Control

        Is World War 3 about to start? Is Nuclear War imminent? Is this the end times? Israel has officially and formally declared war for the first time in 50 years. What does this mean?  What do we do when it seems like the world is on fire? The first step is to […]

S4, Ep. 4: Details, God is ALWAYS There!

        Every detail of the short trip was carefully planned: flights, car rental, route to the hotel, enjoying the time away, and then back. But that short layover in the Dallas/Fort Worth airport was concerning. Will they have time to make the flight connection? Will their luggage make it on time?  When worry […]

S4, Ep. 3: God is Not Willing That ANY Should Perish

        In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, our host, Sarah Tyler, gives you Jesus. What does this mean? Sarah shares an honest and loving warning about the last days that we are living in. She explains how God is fully just and fully merciful and that He doesn’t want anyone to perish. […]

S4, Ep. 2: Why Was Elijah Depressed?

        In life, we face storms; we may face depression. But take heart; God is your ever-present help in times of trouble. He will be your strength. In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, we talk about how God intervenes when we are facing depression.  Our host clarifies that just because someone is […]

S4, Ep. 1: How to Recover From Rock Bottom, Part 3

        Do you ever feel like God isn’t with you? Sometimes, when going through life’s storms, it can be hard to feel God’s presence. However, He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. When you have hit Rock Bottom, it can seem like God has left you, but our Lord will […]

Special: Be Prepared!

        The motto of the Boy Scouts of America is, “Be Prepared!” This motto can apply to every day life in both a terrestrial and spiritual sense. As Christians we should be prepared for what we will be facing in the world. This episode will not be your typical episode of Coffee With […]