Bonus Episode Season 4 Season 5

Bonus Episode: God is Always in Control




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Recent events, in America and all over the world, have caused fear and anxiety to spread. In this short, bonus episode, our host seeks to reassure people and let everyone know that God is still in control.

No matter what happens in America, no matter what happens in Europe, no matter what happens in the Middle East, God is in control. Bring your anxieties to the Lord and He will be your comfort.

Listen and be encouraged. Gain strength from our Heavenly Father and know that God is always in control.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Description By: Todd Uebele

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Season 4

S4. Ep. 21: Above and Beyond




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Have you ever had that moment, where you asked God for something, and He not only answered your prayer, our Father went so far above and beyond what you could have hoped? Where God didn’t just answer your prayer, God ANSWERED your prayer?

Our host has. In this episode, he shares how he went to our Father in some of his most stressful times. God not only answered his prayers, the Lord went so far above and beyond what our host could have imagined.

Listen to this episode and know that our Father in Heaven won’t just help you when you need it, the Lord will go beyond what you could have imagined in answering your prayers and providing what you need.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Description By: Todd Uebele

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Season 4

S4, Ep. 20: Who is God?




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We call Him by multiple names: Heavenly Father, the Great I AM, Jehovah, Lord, God Almighty, but who is God? In this episode of Coffee With Jesus our host takes a deep dive into who God is, and who God is not.

God is many things to many people. The Great I Am is more than words, more than descriptions. Jehovah is relational and loving.  Discover God, discover love, and grow closer in your relationship to the Lord God Almighty.

Listen as our host takes you through the Bible, discovers the awesome qualities and shares who God is to her.


Podcast Host: Sara van Driel
Description By: Todd Uebele

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Bonus Episode Season 4

S4, Ep 19: You Are Valuable




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You are a child of God. Jesus told us that NOTHING can change that. No matter what life may throw your way, you will never lose your inherent value as a child of the Most High God.

Follow our host as he shares stories and scriptures to show how valuable you are. Listen to this episode and know that as a child of God, nothing that life throws at you will decrease your value.

This episode has includes a short Memorial Day Message as well.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele

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Season 4

S4, Ep 18: Is There a Limit to God’s Power?




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It was a lot to deal with in a short period of time…his dad was admitted to the hospital—maybe for the last time, he got troubling health results and received a notice that his lease would not be renewed! Having already moved twice in less than 12 months unleashed a financial burden, and these colliding whirlwinds rumbled a presage of the harsh days ahead.

Can God calm this storm? Is there a limit to God’s power?

In this episode, our host shares an honest account of what he faced and witnessed during that fierce storm. Listen to this episode and discover how he experienced God’s power. And learn what can happen when you cry out, “God, I need You.”


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Description By: Yilda Rivera

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Season 4

S4, Ep. 17: Is it ok to Have Questions?




Sara and her family moved 14 states north. They were committed to the new plan. Sold a house, bought another one, moved the whole family and all their belongings… But 2023 was not the year they had planned.

How do you manage the overwhelming internal questioning when things don’t work out as planned? Questions such as, how do we not know? Why didn’t we take it slower? What was it about me that made it not work? What will everyone think?

In this episode, our Host, Sara takes us into her story of the last year and the logistical, financial, social, and emotional decisions she and her family had to face. How did she and her family manage the struggles and the looming questions without breaking them apart?

Listen to this episode to learn two core beliefs that helped her endure and reconcile the tough internal questioning. Know that having questions is okay. Click on the link and see how you can find hope and peace to take the next step amid an energy-draining uncertainty.


Podcast Host: Sara Van Driel
Description By: Yilda Rivera

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Season 4

S4, Ep. 16: Trusting God in Grief




“Into every life a little rain must fall, and losing one you love is like a storm…but storms are passing…” – Michael W. Smith, Leesha

The call came in the middle of the night. Though his father had been sick for some time, and the call was not entirely unexpected, a huge weight fell upon our host. His father had passed away.

Join us as our host shares his grief journey. Listen as he share how God helps us, physically, spiritually, emotionally. Our host will share how he relied on our Heavenly Father as he mourned the loss of his earthly father.

Listen to the previous episode about grieving a loved one here:


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele

Coffee With Jesus Website:
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Coffee With Jesus Rumble:

Season 4

S4, Ep. 15: Is Spiritual Warfare Real?




Is Spiritual Warfare Real?

Paul tells us, “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. ” (Eph 6:12)

Daniel waited 21 days for an answer to prayer as the messenger angel was held up by the Pring of Persia.

Elisha was surround by an army that itself was surround by an army of angels.

When David fought the Philistines, God’s army went ahead of David to deliver them into his hands.

Listen to this episode as our host not only shares about spiritual warfare, but provides practical, pragmatic tips on how we can fight. The enemy will come out you hard, but you are a child of God. Do not give up! Instead, stand and fight with the weapons the Lord has provided you.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele

Coffee With Jesus Website:
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Season 4

S4, Ep. 14: The Christian Dichotomy




Many approach Lent as a season to get closer to God. But what happens after Lent? What do we do with what we learned through it?

This episode brings a different approach to Lent. Our host focuses on the impact Lent should have on us. By sharing some of his experiences (raw and unfiltered), he encourages us to think about what to do once Lent is over. Do we go back to how we used to be before Lent as if nothing happened, or do we let that spiritual growth keep flourishing the rest of the year? 

Listen to this episode and learn how Lent should not be simply a box to check. See how to take what you learned during Lent and carry it forward in your walk with the Lord.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Description By: Yilda Rivera

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Season 4

S4, Ep. 13: Is God’s Word Reliable?




Is the Bible reliable? Is it really the Word of God? If you have faced the argument, “The Bible isn’t reliable because it is full of contradictions,” this episode is for you.

In this episode, our host answers tough questions about the authority of the Bible or the God-breathed Word of God. He shows examples of how, historically, people had twisted the Word for their own agendas. He also presents historical, secular, and theological evidence for the reliability of the Gospels and the New and Old Testament.

Listen to this episode to learn more about the compelling evidence for the Bible and how Hebrews chapter 11 builds an intellectual and logical case for the Christian faith. Click on the episode to learn more..


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Description By: Yilda Rivera

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