Bonus Episode

Special: Advent Devotionals




Welcome to the Coffee With Jesus Advent Series!

Week 1: Hope

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13

We can all find hope in family…and yet family comes in many forms.

In this Advent special, our host talks about family, about hope and about decorating for Christmas. 

Our host will go all out with the decorating at my house. Clark Griswald?  He’s an amateur. While some may think that misses the point and the spirit of Christmas.  There is a reason why our host enjoys Christmas to its fullest each year.  One year, he almost didn’t survive Christmas.

Podcast host: Todd Uebele

Week 2: Joy

Every year the debate rages: When should we start putting up our Christmas tree? Our Christmas decorations?

Our host used to firmly be the in not-before-thanksgiving camp. He was a staunch supporter of waiting until December. But that changed one year.

What caused the change of heart? What caused our host to decide it was ok to start putting up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving?

Listen to this episode and find the JOY we all have in Christmas, and let’s all do our part to spread that joy to others.

Podcast Host: Todd Uebele

Week 3: Peace

During the hustle and bustle of the season, it can be easy to lose our sense of peace. Add in major life transitions on top of that and it can be REALLY easy to lose our sense of peace.

In this special Advent devotional, host Sara van Driel shares how she manages to find that peace, even in the midst of a major life transition. 

Join us as she shares the range of emotions she is going through this holiday season, and how she is able to find peace through it all.

Our prayer for you is that you too will find peace this holiday season.

Podcast Host: Sara van Driel

Week 4: Love

How did a star, a word, and a 10-year-old girl prompt a profound plea for love?

In this episode, our host discusses what it means to lead in love. We cannot lead in love if we are not grounded in love. She provides Bible passages about being grounded in love and what that love looks like. She provides practical ways to apply those passages to our life based on her recent experience managing the frustration and anger associated with moving to a new place. 

Listen to this episode and learn how Sara started pondering the meaning of leading in love and how a star, a word, and a 10-year-old girl inspired our host to share her heart with us with a profound plea for love.

Podcast Host: Sara van Driel


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Bonus Episode

Special: Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?




The debate rages every year, and sometimes, it gets heated. Sometimes, it can rob the joy right out of season. It can be easy to lose focus on what it really is all about.

Should Christians celebrate Christmas?

Looking into the history and, more importantly, digging into the Scriptures, our host dives in to this very question.

Listen to what he has to say and then open your Bible, pray and seek God’s will for you and for your family.

Podcast host: Todd Uebele


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Bonus Episode Season 4 Season 5

Bonus Episode: God is Always in Control




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Recent events, in America and all over the world, have caused fear and anxiety to spread. In this short, bonus episode, our host seeks to reassure people and let everyone know that God is still in control.

No matter what happens in America, no matter what happens in Europe, no matter what happens in the Middle East, God is in control. Bring your anxieties to the Lord and He will be your comfort.

Listen and be encouraged. Gain strength from our Heavenly Father and know that God is always in control.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Description By: Todd Uebele

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Bonus Episode Season 4

S4, Ep 19: You Are Valuable




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You are a child of God. Jesus told us that NOTHING can change that. No matter what life may throw your way, you will never lose your inherent value as a child of the Most High God.

Follow our host as he shares stories and scriptures to show how valuable you are. Listen to this episode and know that as a child of God, nothing that life throws at you will decrease your value.

This episode has includes a short Memorial Day Message as well.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele

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Bonus Episode Season 4

Special Episode: God Is In Control




Is World War 3 about to start? Is Nuclear War imminent? Is this the end times?

Israel has officially and formally declared war for the first time in 50 years. What does this mean?  What do we do when it seems like the world is on fire?

The first step is to take a deep breath and realized that God is in control. It may seem like a cliche, but sharing an experience from his time in Afghanistan, our host explains that God really is in control.

God hears our cry and rescues us. Whether it’s from physical enemies or the feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed by the state of the world, God hears our cry and rescues us.

Listen to this episode of Coffee With Jesus and take comfort in the knowledge that God is in control, in every situation, and He will not only hear your cry, but rescue you.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Description By: Todd Uebele

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Bonus Episode Season 4

Special: Be Prepared!




The motto of the Boy Scouts of America is, “Be Prepared!”

This motto can apply to every day life in both a terrestrial and spiritual sense. As Christians we should be prepared for what we will be facing in the world.

This episode will not be your typical episode of Coffee With Jesus. Drawing inspiration from the prophet Habakkuk, our host will share how it is important to prepare for what may be coming, as well as how important it is to hold on to God’s promise to always be with us.

Listen to this episode and know that when calamity strikes, whether on a national/global level or on a more personal level, God will take care of you. God will be with you, provide for you and help you through the storm.

Special thank you to Al Maxy for allowing us to use his parts of his Reflections  (Issue #868) in this episode.

The Full Issue can be read here:
Al Maxey’s full website:

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Podcast Host: Todd Uebele

Bonus Episode

Special: He Is RISEN!




He is RISEN!

Jesus Christ is RISEN!

Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?

Jesus Christ is a risen savior. As Christians around the world gather to celebrate the resurrection, an event which changed the world forever, our Host takes a few minutes to share God’s great love for you.

Listen, and know how Jesus’ resurrection allows everyone to have a relationship with our Father in Heaven. Share the good news of Christ’s resurrection and the God’s forgiveness that comes with it.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele

Bonus Episode

2022 Advent Devotional: A Prayer For Peace



During the hustle and bustle of the season, it can be easy to lose our sense of peace. Add in major life transitions on top of that and it can be REALLY easy to lose our sense of peace.

In this special Advent devotional, host Sara van Driel shares how she manages to find that peace, even in the midst of a major life transition. Join us as she shares the range of emotions she is going through this holiday season, and how she is able to find peace through it all.

Our prayer for you is that you too will find peace this holiday season.

Brought to you by Coffee With Jesus Ministries.

Coffee With Jesus is now on Roku! Use code MTHGZP  to add our channel to any Roku device!

Podcast host: Sara van Driel 
Description by: Todd Uebele

Bonus Episode

Special Episode: Should Christians Serve in the Military?



Can Christians both serve God and serve in the military?

Chaplains aside, there are some who believe serving in the military goes contrary to the Christian ethos. In this special episode of, our host examines and discusses this very topic: serving in the military as a Christian. Is it a spiritual conflict?

Listen as our host examines scriptures, shares personal anecdotes and sheds light on this very important issue.

As veterans day approaches, please take time to thank all those who have served in the various branches of our military. Coffee With Jesus celebrates the service of those honorable individuals, no matter what faith background they hail from.

Coffee With Jesus is now on Roku! Use code MTHGZP  to add our channel to any Roku device!

Podcast host: Todd Uebele

For the full video, please see our YouTube Channel

Bonus Episode

Special: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? (Remastered)



Every year, the same question gets asked. Every year, the same debate rages: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Join us as host Todd Uebele explains the history behind Halloween and its traditions. Comparing it to other Holidays, such as Christmas and Easter, he addresses the pagan customs and the origins of this widely celebrated and very popular Holiday.

After describing the history, Todd takes us through the Bible to search for the answer to the question that burns on everyone’s mind in October: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

NOTE: This episode has been Remastered. Due to poor audio quality of the original, CWJM decided to remaster rather than simply re-release.  For the original episode, please click here.

Coffee With Jesus is now on Roku! Use code MTHGZP  to add our channel to any Roku device!

Podcast Host: Todd Uebele