Season 2

S2, Ep. 24: When Things Don’t Make Sense



Indignation. Disappointment. Frustration. How do we make sense of things when nothing around us seems to make any sense?

Sometimes the weight of discouragement and frustration is so heavy that it makes us feel disappointed, angry, or anxious. In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, Todd and special guest-host Yilda Rivera take us to rock-bottom moments in which Moses, Elijah, and Jeremiah experienced emotional meltdowns. How did they cast their anxiety on God? How did God respond?

Listen to this episode and learn how these three giants in the faith (Moses, Elijah, and Jeremiah) started a raw and unfiltered conversation with God. Their prayers can teach us about navigating through emotional distress when nothing around makes sense.

Know that you don’t have to face extreme pain, grief, or difficulty alone. God is also sad when terrible things happen. He knows about what you are going through. And not only He knows, He wants to walk with you.

Accompany Todd and Yilda in this conversation about when the brutality of life meets God’s goodness and be comforted to experience God’s gentle care on a whole new level.

Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Special Guest Host: Yilda Rivera
Description By: Todd Uebele/Yilda Rivera

Season 2

S2, Ep. 23: What, Me Worry?



Worry and anxiety work together to conspire against us. These take our sight away from our Maker and steal our peace. So, how can we overcome worry and anxiety when we are surrounded by uncertainty and shaky ground?

In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, our host Todd goes to Matthew 6:25-34. He also shares how that trust that “God will take care of me” helped him constantly throughout the small details of any day and in the big plans during major transitions.

Listen to this episode to dive into the Scriptures and learn directly from Jesus why you should worry not. Be encouraged and trust that God will take care of you.

Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Description By: Yilda Rivera 

Season 2

S2, Ep. 22: A Scar, a Smile, a Song



Sometimes songs transport us to moments in life. Other times, they keep speaking to us through the life journey itself. 

In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, our host, Sara, shares her story and a song that God used to remind her of His purpose and ever-flowing hope amid tears, hurt, and prayers from the deep. Going through a health condition that shattered her dreams of having more kids, lifesaving transfusions, surgery, and further surgery complications, Sara found peace and strength.

Listen to this episode to know how a scar that once reminded Sara of shattered dreams and traumatic health events turned into a smile (from a little girl’s perspective). 

Sara delivers a bold message of hope through her desire to humbly open her heart. It is no coincidence, as she shared, that when she wrote this episode, the Uvalde shooting occurred. So, we invite you to find hope in this episode and join us in her heartfelt prayer for the Uvalde community.

Podcast Host: Sara van Driel
Description By: Yilda Rivera

Bonus Episode Season 2

Special Episode: Memorial Day 2022



In this Special Episode of Coffee With Jesus, Todd Uebele delivers a short Memorial Day Message, urging everyone to remember what the day is about.

Brought to you by Coffee With Jesus Ministries.

Background music: Memories by One Voice Childrens Choir (Music use is authorized, but ads for One Voice Childrens Choir may appear in the audio).

Season 2

S2, Ep. 21: How Do We Hear God?



Picture this: you are alone in a quiet house. You head to your go to devotional spot. You close your eyes and start to pray…

Suddenly, bedlam erupts in your brain.

How do you still the noise? How can you hear God in the cacophony?

In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, our hosts dive into this question. A question they themselves sometimes struggle with. If you have trouble hearing God, or even talking to Him without all sorts of distractions and background noise, then you are not alone.

God’s not done with you yet. He’s working on you to mold you and shape you. We are all works in progress. Part of that progress is listening and hearing God’s voice. How do we hear God in a world full of noise?

Listen as our hosts share scriptural advice and practical tips to find that truth that is God’s voice among the many, many distractions and noises of this world.

Podcast Host: Sara van Driel
Podcast Co-host: Todd Uebele

Bonus Episode Season 2

Special Episode: Does God Care?




Margie sat emotionally with tears streaming down her face as she was unaware of the several hundred others that also sat around her.

Margie was one of many that were there for a Grief Share Meeting. As she wiped the tears from her eyes, trying to act as if all was okay, she started to listen as the speaker walked to the podium and begin to speak. 

Author Sarah Tyler shares a short, but profound and inspirational message in this special episode of Coffee With Jesus.

Read the full blog post.

Visit Sarah Tyler’s Author Website.

Podcast host: Sarah Tyler
Description: Adapted from Sarah Tyler’s Blog

Season 2

S2, Ep. 20: Rain or Rockets, God is There



It happened right after breakfast. A thundering and loud BOOM shook a military base in Afghanistan. There was dust everywhere, like that of an enraged sandstorm. Shattered buildings, walls caved in, and a video revealed the story of how 1,500 pounds of high explosives threatened the lives of those in the military base.

But there was a burnt and twisted piece of metal from that vehicle-borne improvised explosive device that revealed another story. Our host kept that twisted metal piece as a reminder of God’s protection for him.

In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, Todd takes a deep breath and describes what happened that morning. Through his story, he reminds us that regardless of how big or small our problems may seem, God is there for us.

Listen to this episode to see how God carries us through the storms of this life. Do not let the storms of this life overwhelm you. Reach out to Him. Be encouraged to take your problems to God, whether big or small. 

Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Description by: Yilda Rivera

Season 2

S2, Ep. 19: What is YOUR Christian Journey?



If someone asks you, “What is your Christian journey?” Would you have a response?

In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, our guest Sarah Tyler shares her story—a journey from walking in fear and bondage to living in hope and freedom. Sara narrates how she grew up in a controlling household, forbidden to have friends or go to church.

How could a caged little bird turn into a freed and joyful mockingbird that would never cease singing?

Something happened one night in 1969 that transformed her fear into a never-ending joy. What happened in her life that changed the course of her journey? Why does she live now with a loving urgency to share her journey of true joy, hope, and confidence everywhere she goes?

Listen to this episode to know what changed Sarah’s life. Through her story, you will see how God brought blessing in the midst of her struggles and filled her with peace. Be encouraged to learn that in the same way God clothed her with His presence, He can embrace you and take you by the hand.

This episode invites us to reflect on our Christian journey. Listen to Sarah’s story to learn how you can share your journey and bring encouragement to others.

Be sure to visit Sarah Tyler’s Website!
Check out Sarah’s latest book!

Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Special Guest: Sarah Tyler
Description by: Yilda Rivera

Bonus Episode Season 2

Special Episode: How Do We Get Through the Storm?



You WILL get through the storm you are facing. In light of everything happening in the world today, we KNOW God will carry us through. He calmed the storms on the sea, He can calm the storms of our life. He promises us peace in Philippians 4:6-7. 

We know we will come through this. In the same way, we also know God will carry us, but how do we deal with the stress and anxiety while we are in the middle of the storm? Join us in this episode of Coffee With Jesus, as our host shares some practical things he has learned. During the many storms he has face, he has found ways and activities to help lower his own stress. 

When going through life’s troubles, it is important to take care of yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically. Listen as our host shares what has helped him in the past.  Give your problems up to God, let Him take care of you and find what activities will help you lower your own stress and anxiety.


Season 2

S2, Ep. 18: Give it Up! (Lent 2022)



Did you find the plastic baby in the King Cake this year?

King Cakes, parades, parties and celebrations. People love to talk about Mardi Gras, but when it comes to Ash Wednesday and Lent, the conversation tends to die down. Penitence is kind of a downer. Sacrifice is hard. 

But neither have to be.

In this episode of “Coffee With Jesus,” our host has a slightly different take on Lent, than most people. The Bible tells us:

“To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.” ~Proverbs 21:3

Join us as our host shares the true purpose behind Lent, and explains his own slightly less orthodox approach to using this time to grow closer to our Father in Heaven. In “Give it Up!” you’ll hear both the successes and failures of our hosts personal journey.

While our current Lenten season may be close to over, or while Easter may have already passed, the lessons learned are valuable throughout the year. Listen and be encouraged. Then, develop your own strategy for growing in your walk.

Podcast Host: Todd Uebele