Guest Season 2

S2, Ep. 12: The Ministry of Presence – The Call of Chaplains



It’s been almost three hours, and a murder victim still lays on the street in Kansas City. Two investigators are taking pictures from every angle. A crew is mounting laser scanners in tripods to record images to build a 3D photographic model of the scene.

In a corner, there’s a grieving family in shock and despair. Why does their loved one still lay there? What’s going on?

Then someone approaches the family and carefully explains every intricate proceeding of what’s happening—bringing them a bit of clarity into the chaos they are already experiencing. That mysterious person listens attentively to them and answers some of their questions. Someone is present… just for them. And that presence brings a little breath of comfort amid chaos.

That mysterious person is a chaplain—someone providing emotional support or spiritual care in whatever context you can think of.

In this episode, our guest speaker, Jared Altic, is a full-time pastor of a church in Kansas City. He volunteers as a chaplain with the local Police Department. As a chaplain, he provides short-term services for people in crisis (in any scene involving homicide, suicide, or unattended death). He also offers long-term support and spiritual care to police officers and other first responders coping with the toll of the job or other personal matters.

Listen to this revealing episode to immerse yourself in the call of chaplains. Discover how the ministry of presence looks like and how impactful it is.

Want to know more? Check out Jared’s Podcast!

Description by: Yilda Rivera
Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Special Guest: Jared Altic