Season 3

S3, Ep. 22-23: Growing in Christ Jesus, Parts 1&2




In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, guest hosts Elizabeth Bristol and Christine Hobbs discuss practical ways to grow in your relationship with Jesus. Starting in Part 1, they talk about the three “C”s: Cannon, Communication and Commitment. Starting with Scripture, a Christian can get to know all about Christ. 

Next, in Part 2, they talk about the different ways you can here God. Starting with prayer, a Christian can get to know all about from our Father and our Savior.  It is important to learn everything we can about who our Savior is.

Then, as in any relationship, it is important to talk to Him. Sometimes it may be as simple as “help me!” and sometimes it may be a more in depth conversation. Regardless of how many words we use, it is important to talk to Him. Equally important is listening. To quiet ourselves and hear what Christ has to say.

Listen as Elizabeth and Christine share personal experiences from their own walk, and discover practical tips to grow in your own walk and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Elizabeth Bristol is a missionary/caretaker who wrote Mary Me: One Woman’s Incredible Adventure with God. She loves to help people grow closer to God so they can fulfill their destinies with Him. Join her spiritual adventure team at her website below.

Christine Hobbs is a wife, a mom, and a Bible teacher.

Elizabeth’s Website:
Elizabeth’s Facebook:
Elizabeth’s Instagram:

Guest Host: Elizabeth Bristol
Guest Cohost: Christine Hobbs 
Description By: Todd Uebele

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Season 3

S3, Ep. 20-21: Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness, Parts 1&2






Part 1

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled.” ~ Matthew 5:6

In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, Guest hosts, Rick Schuette and Don Dawson begin their examination of the beatitudes, focusing on righteousness. They starting out by discussing what Dietrich Bonhoeffer referred to as “cheap grace.” Then they move on to what constitutes righteousness or righteous behavior, our guest hosts discuss what it means to follow Jesus words from the sermon on the mount.

Part 2

“God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice,[a]
    for they will be satisfied.” (New Living Translation)

Some English translation render the Greek word dikaiosynēn (righteousness, justice) as “justice.” In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, Guest hosts, Rick Schuette and Don Dawson continue their examination of the beatitudes, focusing on justice. Rick starts by talking about the difference between righteousness and justice. Then he and Don talk about the importance of justice in the life of a Christian.

Listen as our guest hosts share an instructional message on what it means to live a righteous and just life and why it is so important.

Guest Host: Rick Schuette
Guest Co-host: Don Dawson
Podcast Host: Todd Uebele

Season 3

S3, Ep. 19: Take This Cup





On the night he was betrayed, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”

Later that night, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.

Those 8 simple words set a course of events that would forever change the entire world. Jesus Christ was arrested, beaten, whipped, tortured and crucified. He willingly endure all of this so that you may have a relationship with the Lord Almighty. 

As Christians all over the world get ready to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, let’s take some time to reflect the suffering that Jesus endured so that you can come before the Lord and walk with Him. Jesus surrendered to His Father’s Will so that you can have eternal life. There is no greater love.

Listen, reflect and meditate on what Jesus did for you, what Jesus experienced and endured for you. Know that God loves you and wants a relationship with you. He will always be with you. This Holy Week, let’s pause and reflect on God’s love for us and all Jesus went through…for you…


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele

Season 3

S3, Ep. 18: Healing Through Helping




The Bible tells us that God, “comforts us in our troubles so that we may comfort others.” (2 Cor 1:4). But what if the comfort we receive actually comes from us comforting others?

It may seem a little backwards to some, but in this episode of Coffee With Jesus our host explains how, in providing help and comfort to others, we can receive healing and comfort ourselves. He provides personal examples and, breaking the fourth wall, shares an analogy using his stubborn but affectionate cat.

Listen and know that there is hope.  Sometimes we receive that hope directly from our friends and family, and sometimes we receive that hope from providing it to our friends and family.

If you are going through a tough time and would like prayer, send us an email at, We will pray for you and with you.

Podcast Host: Todd Uebele

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Season 3

S3, Ep. 17: How Do We Experience God’s Strength?



You have heard many times that God is with you through the storm. But when you are going through the storm, how can you experience God’s strength? How can you feel His presence and His voice lifting you up?

In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, our host shares three practical ways to experience God’s strength when you are going through difficult times. It begins with bringing your situation to God. But how?

Listen to this episode and learn how to bring your cares to God, how to listen to His voice, and how to find courage and revelation in your darkest valley. And as you listen to this episode, take heart. Be reminded that God is with you; He is your shield. Yes, God wants you to experience His strength lifting you up.

Podcast host:  Todd Uebele
Description by: Yilda Rivera

Season 3

S3, Ep. 16: Lent – Acts of Service



Have you noticed that Coffee With Jesus has been releasing episodes more frequently lately?  Have you wondered why that is?

Typically, during Lent, people fast or give up something to focus on spiritual nourishment and growing closer to God. Our host, Todd Uebele, shares some ideas to practice during this season and how he implemented those in the past two years. He also describes how his past lent commitments helped him find peace and faith growth.

This year he felt that he needed to do something different—acts of service. And he’s calling you to help him be accountable in this mission.

Listen to this episode to see how after prayerful seeking, Todd felt called to do acts of service by investing extra time and effort in the mission of Coffee with Jesus—spreading love, hope, comfort, and encouragement throughout the Body of Christ. How is he planning to do that? Listen to this episode and find out.

Lent is a great time focus on your relationship with the Lord. It is our hope and our prayer that during this Lenten season, you will grow ever closer to Him. How are you celebrating Lent this year?  Listen to this episode and then drop us an email and share your Lent story.

Podcast host:  Todd Uebele
Description by: Yilda Rivera


Last year, we released an episode called, Lent – Give it up!


Season 3

S3, Ep. 15: The Winter of Our Discontent



“Now is the winter of our discontent / Made glorious summer by this son…”

This winter has been a winter of discontent for our host, Todd Uebele. In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, he shares his discontent and how he was able to get through it and past it. Winter can be a tough time for a lot of people, but there is hope!

Join us as we bring you that hope, the hope we have in Christ Jesus. The hope that our Father in Heaven is always with us, never to leave us or forsake us. The hope that we can gain by bringing our problems to God.

Listen and experience the comfort that comes from the peace that transcends all understanding and let it guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:7).

If you are going through your own winter of discontent and would like us to pray for you, please send us an email: We will pray for you and with you.

Podcast host:  Todd Uebele
Description by: Todd Uebele

Season 3

S3, Ep. 14: Eternity



Do you know where you will spend eternity?

Life on Earth has a beginning and an end.  There is an important decision that you can make between the beginning and the end of y our life on Earth that will determine where you go after that life ends.

John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son and whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.”

Using Jesus’ story of the rich man and Lazerus, author and guest host, Sarah Tyler shares the importance of that decision and how it can impact your eternity. Sarah also shares a story from her personal experience with her dear sister, and how she was able to lead her sister to eternal life in Christ Jesus.

Speaking from her heart, and sharing her own personal tragedy, Sarah also shares hope.

Listen to this episode of Coffee With Jesus and know that you have a personal savior, a savior who loves you unconditionally, who died so that you may live forever.

If you already know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, share this episode with friends and family who may not know Him. Share with them the good news of the gift of eternal life.

NOTE: This episode mentions the topic of suicide. If you or a loved one are having thoughts of suicide, there is HOPE!  Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 to talk to someone about that hope.

Podcast Host: Sarah Tyler
Podcast Description: Todd Uebele

From My Heart, I Give You Jesus:
Sarah Tyler’s Website:

Season 3

S3, Ep. 13: The Reason for the Season



What is the meaning of the resurrection for both Christians and non-Christians?

“And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.” (1 Cor 15:17, ESV)

Our host discusses why Jesus is our hope and our life. If Christ had not been raised from death, we would still be without hope and lost in our sins. However, because of His resurrection, we can call the name of the Lord and be saved.

Listen to this episode to see how Jesus’ resurrection points to the heart of God and His plan of salvation. And discover the gift and the call to action for both believers and nonbelievers.

Share this episode with your non-believing friends and family and use it as a way to introduce them to hope we have in Christ Jesus!

Brought to you by Coffee With Jesus Ministries.

Coffee With Jesus is now on Roku! Use code MTHGZP  to add our channel to any Roku device!

Podcast host:  Todd Uebele
Description by: Yilda Rivera

Season 3

S3, Ep. 12: A Plea For Love



How did a star, a word, and a 10-year-old girl prompt a profound plea for love?

In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, our host, Sara van Driel discusses what it means to lead in love. If we are not grounded in love, then we cannot lead in love. Sara also provides Bible passages about being grounded in love and what that love looks like.

Sara then proceeds to provide practical ways to apply those passages to our life based on her recent experience managing the frustration and anger associated with moving to a new place. She talks about how leading with love dissipated frustration and brought opportunities for connection.

When providing an example of how love and action go together, Sara brings us back to Jesus.  Everything Jesus did, He did in love. So, her plea for love is this: lead with love, lead for love, and lead in love.

Listen to this episode and learn how Sara started pondering the meaning of leading in love and how a star, a word, and a 10-year-old girl inspired our host to share her heart with us with a profound plea for love.

Brought to you by Coffee With Jesus Ministries.

Coffee With Jesus is now on Roku! Use code MTHGZP  to add our channel to any Roku device!

Podcast host:  Sara van Driel
Description by: Yilda Rivera