Season 4

S4, Ep. 12: Should We go to God First?




And now for something completely different.

No, this is not Monty Python, but this episode of Coffee With Jesus will be a little bit different from most. Typically, our hosts, guests and guest hosts will share testimonies of their trials and tribulations. They’ll talk about how God helped them through, carried them and strengthened them.

It is our hope, that in sharing these testimonies and showing you how God helped us, you will have the comfort and encouragement you need to make it through your own trials.

In this episode, our host is doing something different. He has recently experienced an event that will lead to a trial in his own personal life, and over this episode and a follow up or two, he’ll share, virtually real time, how God is helping him before, during and after the trial he is experiencing.

Listen as our host shares what is going on in his personal life. Join us on this journey as he tries trusting God from the beginning, knowing that God will take care of things now, just as God has always taken care of things in the past.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele

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Season 4

S4, Ep. 11: In Our Father’s Arms




Artic blast! 30 year snow storm! And no lights…

What do a young toddler learning to ice skate, a complicated move back to college and a record winter event have in common?

To answer this question, our host talks about what he saw and experienced in three separate instances when pain, distress, and anxiety collided. He shares a constant of what those involved in these three situations did.  

Our host had no lights and had to venture out into the snow and ice. While his fall was metaphorical, he reached out to His Heavenly Father. A loving Father who cares and provides beyond what we think we need.

Listen as our host shares stories of recent events that had him reaching out to our Father in Heaven. Learn how to reach out to the Lord when you fall, and rest safe and secure in our Father’s arms.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Description by: Yilda Rivera

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Season 4

S4, Ep. 10: Witnessing God’s Power




On 2 March 2023, Yilda Rivera was rushed to the hospital with stroke-like symptoms. Her vision went blurry, and everything was spinning. Yilda lost the ability to speak, and her right side was not responding. On the way to the hospital, her throat started to close, and she found herself gasping for air.

While she was barely able to speak, she told her husband, “Activate Army of God.” 

Listen to this episode and learn how that Army of God, those prayer warriors in different small life groups, and her immediate Christian community engaged to witness God’s power in action. Yilda shares her testimony of that fateful day and the difficult months that followed. While telling her story, she speaks about how life groups are another way to experience the fullness of God through one another. 

How did she find the strength to overcome neurological issues and experience the power of God through close community with other believers? Listen to this episode to hear her story and learn three tremendous benefits of life in groups.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Special Guest: Yilda Rivera
Description by: Todd Uebele

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Season 4

S4, Ep. 9: Back to Basics II: Liberty




“One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.  The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. The one who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God, while the one who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God. ” (Romans 14:5-6, ESV)

As the end of the year approaches, people all over the world start to reflect on the past year and on the future. Join us as we reflect on the fundamentals of Christianity. Our host will show how we have freedom and liberty through Jesus Christ. 

There are a plethora of different doctrines and dogmas throughout the Body of Christ. For most of them, it is ok to disagree. It is ok to hold differing viewpoints on various doctrines and dogmas. Our host will show how it is not only ok to disagree, but how we have a responsibility to accept our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Listen and learn about the freedom and liberty we have in Christ, as well as the responsibility we have to uplift our brothers and sisters.

Missed Part 1? Listen here:


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele

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Season 4

S4, Ep 8: Back to Basics I: The Essentials




What beliefs are necessary in order to be a Christian? What doctrines must one believe to be called a Christian?  Is our salvation based on what we do, or is there more to it than that?

As the end of the year approaches, people all over the world start to reflect on the past year and on the future. Join us as we reflect on the fundamentals of Christianity. Our host will share scriptures and discuss what beliefs form the core of the Christian faith.

Listen and be encouraged. Know that God loves you for who you are. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).

This is part one of a two part series. Join us next month as we discuss the liberty we have in Christ Jesus!


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele

Coffee With Jesus Website:
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Season 4

S4, Ep. 6&7: How Will War Impact Christians? (Parts 1&2)




It happened right after breakfast. A thundering and loud BOOM shook a military base in Afghanistan. There was dust everywhere, like that of an enraged sandstorm. Shattered buildings, walls caved in, and a video revealed the story of how 1,500 pounds of high explosives threatened the lives of those in the military base.

Christmas day in Afghanistan…Christmas eve back in the U.S.A. Our host was video chatting with is family when those dreaded words came over the loudspeaker:


That was the start of a very long day. War is scary. War seems to be everywhere. Christians around the world are feeling a sense of dread and anxiety. Is World War 3 about to start? Is Nuclear War imminent? 

Israel has officially and formally declared war for the first time in 50 years.  Russia has continued in its invasion of Ukraine. Azerbaijan is poised to invade its neighbor.  What does this mean?  What do we do when it seems like the world is on fire?

The first step is to take a deep breath and realized that God is in control. It may seem like a cliche, but sharing experiences from his time in Afghanistan, our host explains that God really is in control. Next, pray. Pray privately in your own home. Pray corporately with your brothers and sisters. Finally, realize that a) all bad times come to an end and b) Jesus Christ is victorious over all!

Listen to this episode to see how God carries us through the storms of this life. Do not let the storms of this life overwhelm you.  Take comfort in the knowledge that God is in control, in every situation, and He will not only hear your cry, but rescue you.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Description By: Yilda Rivera/Todd Uebele

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Season 4

S4, Ep. 5: Did We Miss the Rapture?




From sensational news to clickbait YouTube videos, people are spreading fear.  Anxiety seems to be on the rise, not just with world events, but with End Times events as well. That begs the question: Did we miss the rapture?

SPOILER ALERT:  No, no we did not.

In this episode, our host takes us through scriptures to examine the signs and wonders, as well as where the rapture may fit in the timeline of the “end times.”  This episodes combines eschatological teaching with the comfort and hope we have in Christ.

Listen and be strengthened. Gain hope that a glorious and eternal life with your Savior is waiting for you.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele

Coffee With Jesus Website:
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Bonus Episode Season 4

Special Episode: God Is In Control




Is World War 3 about to start? Is Nuclear War imminent? Is this the end times?

Israel has officially and formally declared war for the first time in 50 years. What does this mean?  What do we do when it seems like the world is on fire?

The first step is to take a deep breath and realized that God is in control. It may seem like a cliche, but sharing an experience from his time in Afghanistan, our host explains that God really is in control.

God hears our cry and rescues us. Whether it’s from physical enemies or the feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed by the state of the world, God hears our cry and rescues us.

Listen to this episode of Coffee With Jesus and take comfort in the knowledge that God is in control, in every situation, and He will not only hear your cry, but rescue you.


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Description By: Todd Uebele

Coffee With Jesus Website:
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Season 4

S4, Ep. 4: Details, God is ALWAYS There!




Every detail of the short trip was carefully planned: flights, car rental, route to the hotel, enjoying the time away, and then back. But that short layover in the Dallas/Fort Worth airport was concerning. Will they have time to make the flight connection? Will their luggage make it on time? 

When worry showed up, our host decided to pray and trust that “God is in the details.” But what does it mean that God is in the details? 

To explain this, our host shares an account of both what did and did not happen on that trip. He says, “Regardless of the situation you find yourself in, God is with you, and He is in the details. God takes care of you.”

Listen to this episode of Coffee With Jesus to know why our host can look back at the events as they transpired and know that God’s hand was taking care of him and his wife. In the same way, know that God is there when things go well, and He is there when things are not going well.

God is always with you, always taking care of you. Be encouraged; God is in the details. 


Podcast Host: Todd Uebele
Description By: Yilda Rivera

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Season 4

S4, Ep. 3: God is Not Willing That ANY Should Perish




In this episode of Coffee With Jesus, our host, Sarah Tyler, gives you Jesus. What does this mean?

Sarah shares an honest and loving warning about the last days that we are living in. She explains how God is fully just and fully merciful and that He doesn’t want anyone to perish. She shares God’s love letter for humanity through Jesus Christ and invites us to read through the book of John to discover that love. 

Why is there still hope? Why do we need God’s grace? What is God’s grace? Why did Jesus die on the cross? Why do we need Jesus? How salvation is a gift that we either reject or accept?

Listen to this episode as Sarah answers all those questions and more. And as she shares God’s love letter for you, receive the living hope found in Jesus.

If you would like to know more about God’s indescribable gift, please reach out to us:

NOTE: Sarah references “episode 4,” but the actual episode is our Special Episode: Be Prepared! Available here:


Podcast Host: Sarah Tyler
Description By: Yilda Rivera

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